Fun with photoshop.
So I've been playing around with the new camera. There really are some neat things that you can do with digital images these days. One of them is HDR or High Dynamic Range images.
In the olden days of camera you basically could shoot several images and "bracket" the exposure to make sure you had a good shot. If you had your own dark room (and were shooting black and white), you could take these images and adjust the exposure time and burn and dodge in areas of the picture to give it a more even exposure. But this was virtually impossible to do with your average color snapshot.
Well with digital imaging you can merge several shots together and use the dynamic range in each shot to give the picture a more "true to life" feel.
Here's an example of my house in HDR.

You can also play around with the compression techniques and get some super saturated HDR pics like this.

If you're bored sometime try searching Flickr for HDR images.
I've seen these before. Check out this guy.
I don't understand it but I like it.
Post more as you do more! Please.
I've seen some of his stuff before. Especially his cityscapes. WOW. Obviously I'm just getting started on this. I'm still learning the idocyncracies of both my camera and the latest version of photoshop. It's a little like learning a different dialect of the same language. You have an idea of what you want to do and how to do it but figuring out the details takes a little while.
Dude, that second one makes your house look spooky. Is that a man in the window?!?!?! AHHHH!!!!!!
Take me with you. I think that house is full of clowns.
BTW Steve - I was telling Jack that my dad thinks the TextElf stuff should be a weekly update. Hurry and send me TextElf stuff, boys!
thanks guys - now i'm afraid to stay in my own house! I think I'm gonna have to leave the country now. I'll have nightmares all night long. ugh
Hey for a low low price I can do this to your house/apartment/dwelling also.
I don't need anymore scary things in my house! One bed eating dog is quite enough. Money scammer... You keep your grubby camera away from my house!
Run, Amy! Run to South America! Your house is filled with clowns!
Steve, that's some funny shit, dude. The Metric System. Ha! I'm laughing and getting stared at in the UTA library. Unfortunatly, this is not unusual.
not only clowns, jr, but there is a recently uncovered empty swimming pool in the backyard! "they're here!"
I am so never visiting you people again. I may never set foot in OK again - wait, that's not such a bad thing!
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