Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fight against Fascism!

For those who don't speak Russian the poster says "Hail those who fight against fascism" and "The Constitution of the USA - a moral aid and practical help for all those who now lead the battle against fascist
." Slight edit from USSR to USA is mine.

Sure I may be exaggerating a bit. But maybe not.


At 10/05/2006 9:07 AM, Blogger sdkdfhlkjh said...

It's certainly something to think about. Our Gov. is scary. Fascist? Hmmm.....

Editorials like the one you linked to tend to be flawed, if not factually then at least...well let's just say that if I wanted to take the time, I could put together a piece speculating that the Dalai Lama was really a modern day Ghengis Khan. (KHAAAAANNNNNNNNNN!)

I'm no historical expert, but it would seem to me that this sort of crap has been going on everywhere at some time for all of time. Humans, after all, are aggressive. Like other animals, the tendency is to find, mark, and fight to hold territory. We've complicated the Hell out of it by banding together in huge numbers to control huge bits of territory. Call it Fascism, Socialism, or's All the Same. It will not stop. And when this bunch destroys that bunch over there, some third bunch out back is going to kick this bunch's ass. On and on and on and on...

At 10/05/2006 12:03 PM, Blogger Jack said...

Well I may be overreacting, true. However, I'd rather rabidly defend my rights and the rights of others and have more freedom as a result, than sit placidly by and watch this happen without any reaction. Luckily I'm not alone.

Granted, yes, this has happened world-wide throughout history. But that's not an excuse for it to happen here. This country was founded on the idea (even if we didn't enforce it) that freedom trumped security. If anything the more free we are, the more secure we become. Unfortunately a large swath of people have forgotten that.

More food for thought

At 10/05/2006 3:08 PM, Blogger sdkdfhlkjh said...

I agree, Jack. There's no excuse for it to happen here. But Steve's got a point, as well. Constantly lowering the level of debate until it sounds like the stupidity that's going on now is just the beginning of that part which is darkest (or something). I've said it before and I'll keep saying it: Like it or not, folks, the next Dark Age is right here in front of us. Surrounding us. Defining us.

Fight the Good Fight. But remember that it takes a lotta manure to get a good lookin' plant. Welcome to the compost pile.

At 10/05/2006 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, I'm depressed now. Thanks guys.


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