Monday, January 29, 2007

...Makes Jack a Dull Boy

A few weeks ago (or maybe months) my friend Jayare tagged me with some kinda strange blog version of Tag, 20 questions, and the dating game all rolled into one. Apparently I'm supposed to relay to you, my reading audience, 5 things that you previously did not no about me. (I've seen this as 6 weird things about yourself and 5 things people didn't know about you, etc. etc. You'll get a little of both) So, in no particular order...

1) I have been on CNN.
Back when I was in the satellite phone business I had a chance to go to Atlanta and train the president of CNN on how to use one of our phones. While getting a tour of the HQ from the VP of Satellite communications he pointed to the cameras about 30 feet in front of us and said, "And we're on camera right now"

2) I have uttered the phrase "I'm sorry but the Secret Service has closed the garage. We'll get your cars back to you as soon as they open it back up." to a waiting crowd of over 150 people.
This occurred when I was in charge of the valet department at the Worthington Hotel and Laura Bush spoke for a meeting there. Blaming the Secret Service for any delays has got to be one of the best excuses I can think of. It shuts angry people up real quickly I've noticed.

3) I almost drown once.
My first long term summer camp in Arkansas, with the Boy Scouts was in 1984. Since the primary focus of the camping trip revolved around the lake and various water activities the first thing we did was take swim tests. About 2/3rds of the way through my swim test I completely ran out of energy and started flailing in the water. There was a canoe stationed out in the lake for just such an emergency and one of the boys in the canoe threw me a rope. Only, in the excitement he forgot to hold on to the other end. Fat lot of good a loose piece of rope does you when your trying to keep your head above water. Luckily my father, who was the lifesaving instructor that week, jumped in the lake and got a hold of me before I completely went under. I never wanted to go through that again. By the end of the summer I had earned my swimming merit badge. By the end of the next summer I had earned my Lifesaving merit badge. Eventually I went on to be an instructor at my council's Aquatic School.
image via
4) I've become extremely interested in Steampunk lately.
Probably because it combines my love of history, science fiction, and technology all in one neat little package. Check out the delightful Steampunk blog "Brass Goggles", but be prepared to waste some time there.

5)I constantly write songs in my head.
So far my latest favorites include "10,000 Porcupines" and "Meggers and Beggars".

Here's the chorus to 10KP I wrote it one day when Amy misunderstood what I was saying while taking a shower.10,000 Porcupines
Once more and you'll be mine
10,000 Porcupines

Hey. I didn't say they were good songs.


At 1/30/2007 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Jack -- as for the song writing -- don't quit your dayjob.



At 1/31/2007 3:19 PM, Blogger Amy Stewart said...

Yeah, I think maybe one day in the shower he misunderstood me saying "Don't quit your day job" thinking I had said "Do quit your day job" instead.

Perhaps we shouldn't talk so much in the shower...

At 1/31/2007 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy, you definitely have a point. There are plenty of more interesting things to do in the shower other than talk. Oh, wait a minute, does your Mother read this blog?


At 2/06/2007 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see different versions because they are different meme's, silly. There's a bunch of different ones out there.


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