Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Mom had a lumpectomy today. Apparently there was no secondary cancer in her lymph nodes so things went as well as could be expected. Your thoughts, prayers, well-wishes, hopes, dreams, aspirations, mantras, positive vibes, and is-everything-ok's are appreciated.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hangin' with the rents

I spent last week down in Texas City with the Rents. They've moved into a nice little house literally blocks from the ocean. Dad could be fishing in 5 minutes flat if he wanted. Mom has already started to get involved in the artist communities in Texas City and Galveston. I think they are both really enjoying themselves.

While I was there I got to play tourist a little. The first thing I wanted to do was visit the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston.
This is a really nice facility and they have some great aircraft many that are terrific condition and still flying.

I also got to putt around Houston for a little bit. We went to eat at a Dim Sum restaurant that was outstanding. We also went to a huge Asian food store.

I got to eat more seafood that I knew what to do with. Since fresh seafood isn't exactly an Oklahoma specialty I took advantage of it while I could.

We all got to go to the beach for a day. Dad and I did some fishing and Mom played in the ocean and collected all sorts of shells.

Although all we caught were some small whiting there was a guy down the beach from us who put up a great fight and eventually reeled in a pretty big yellow jack.

All in all it was a great trip and I really enjoyed spending time with the parents.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Never call me from the plane!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Think Pink

Yesterday, we discovered that my Mom has breast cancer. Sigh. We'll actually she's in very good mood and keeping her spirits high. The doctors think it's in a very early stage and the cancer is easily differentiated from the other tissue. If you'd like to help out feel free to Donate to your favorite cancer center.